Today I have been having problems writing anything coherent, so I went out in the woods for some inspiration. In the forest area I live close to there is a small lake which I visit from time to time. When arriving at the lake I was kindly greeted by a flock of mosquitoes who made sure that I was not having to much blood in my veins. It always feels nice when donating blood so others may survive.

When looking over the water I thought thought to myself that the area would be a great place to find Nirnroots in. I liked looking for Nirnroots in Cyrodiil, it became a bit of a hobby. Whenever I found a lake or river I went around listening for the distinctive sound that the plant makes. But another thought came across my mind. The planet of the Elder Scrolls is Nirn, does this mean that the Nirnroot has more to it then we originally thought? They were always fun to collect but they never came across as more then a plant needed for a quest.
Perhaps the Nirnroot plays a bigger roll in Skyrim, and if it does we might be able to find out more of its origin. Maybe it's just a plant named after the planet, but it would be nice to find out why it has its name. Perhaps the alchemist Sinderion has a book that someone might be able to borrow for a while. I will get back to this as soon as possible.
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